Toronto Star / Let’s reboot Canada’s infrastructure by including the community sector

Toronto Star / Let’s reboot Canada’s infrastructure by including the community sector

We face a parallel national challenge: how to “build back better” in the wake of a crippling pandemic that has exposed the myths of a Canadian society free of systemic racism and baked-in social inequality.

Montreal Gazette/ What if Montreal's shuttered churches became ‘centres of gravity for joy’?

Montreal Gazette/  What if Montreal's shuttered churches became ‘centres of gravity for joy’?

Here in the capital of closed churches in Quebec, a pastor has helped turn St Jax into a community centre, a place to explore faith — and a home for a circus.

Anglican Journal / The colonizing instinct is all over us

Anglican Journal / The colonizing instinct is all over us

Is colonialism in the past? The Rev. Graham Singh, priest at St. Jax in Montreal and executive director of the Trinity Centres Foundation—which helps “transform church properties for community impact”—doesn’t seem convinced. In this podcast conversation, Matthew Townsend, editor of the Anglican Journal and Epiphanies, talks with Singh about decolonization, the church and changes that may yoke those subjects together. This conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Municipal World / Hand over Canada’s white churches to the charities who need them

Municipal World / Hand over Canada’s white churches to the charities who need them

You cannot buy community resilience with $500 million to a single charity. Community grows organically through an often-awkward network of associations, non-profits, racial groups, religious groups, schools, government, charities and agencies, wrestling for oxygen and light at street level.

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