Working with consortia of faith-based and charitable organizations aiming to either re-develop or re-position a local project, we help to facilitate access to financing through custom site by site solutions. We are working with foundations and other impact investors, to make new sources of capital available.  

As terms and conditions of financing are released in a few months, please pre-register your project’s interest and capital need. Please note that pre-registration here does not constitute a formal offer or application.  

Any securities which may eventually be discussed or created are subject to a variety of regulatory and legal conditions. At this time, we make no representations or warranties about the nature, size, conditions or any other feature of such security. If and when a specific offering is presented to a registered Canadian charity, it will be exempt from Canadian securities regulation as we comply with the following conditions:

  • We are organized exclusively for educational, benevolent, fraternal, charitable, religious or recreational purposes and not-for-profit. 

  • No part of our net earnings (i.e. after payment of expenses, including reasonable interest) benefit any security holder or issuer related to Relèven.

  • No commission or other remuneration is paid in connection with the sale of Relèven-related securities.

Pre-Register for Project Financing

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