Faith & Leadership | Struggling with what to do with your church building?

Faith & Leadership | Struggling with what to do with your church building?

Struggling with what to do with your church building? Here’s how to find help

Congregations across the country are trying to figure out what to do with buildings that no longer serve their purpose. But there are many resources for leaders grappling with this issue, writes a project director at the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving.

Ron Huntley Leadership Podcast / Transforming Faith Buildings for Community Impact

Ron Huntley Leadership Podcast / Transforming Faith Buildings for Community Impact

Stewarding the physical spaces that God has entrusted to us as the Catholic Church can be daunting! Across the world, there are church leaders realizing that they have more building capacity than they have the staff capacity to maintain; many simply realize that their spaces aren't as effective as they once were.

Globe and Mail / Church buildings across Canada find a new lease on life

Globe and Mail / Church buildings across Canada find a new lease on life

Last month, the McDougall United Church in downtown Edmonton got a new lease on life - and a new life for its property.

When, in 2015, it was designated a heritage building for its architectural and cultural significance, the church avoided demolition, but in 2019, it found itself struggling to scrape together the $15-million needed for full restoration.

The congregation eventually settled on a plan to turn the building into a multi-faith space and community hub, with a redevelopment plan that will also include housing. Because of the scope and scale of the proposed project, the church realized they would need to partner with other organizations. To get a helping hand, they turned to the Trinity Centres Foundation, a non-profit that specializes in finding new ways to use faith spaces.

Philanthropic Foundations of Canada/ A Vision for the Future: Paul Nazareth

Philanthropic Foundations of Canada/ A Vision for the Future: Paul Nazareth

As the world changes, the non-profit and charitable social sector is adapting, and so must philanthropy. Our sector is a fundamental aspect of civil society, but reform is paramount. The status quo is not sufficient. Inequity is rampant in our communities, and there are global challenges we must step up to meet. In our new series, A Vision for the Future, PFC has asked non-profit leaders to share their understandings of where our sector is today, what its role is, and where we need to go.

Country Guide/ Meeting room

Country Guide/ Meeting room

Across Canada, rural communities are re-imagining lonely church buildings into vibrant community hubs.

It’s more than a massive loss for religious groups. With more than 5,000 churches expected to close in Canada in the coming decade, it’s a huge loss of infrastructure for the community-at-large.

Located in the centres of their communities, churches frequently provide a home for daycares, seniors programming and educational workshops, as well as for community groups and the performing arts. Most have spaces for both large and small gatherings, many have kitchens, and often there is outdoor space too, allowing people to gather together in all sorts of meaningful ways.

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